Your HR Strategic Partner. . .


Know About Us

What is WMK Consulting

WMK Consulting was established to provide professional human resources consulting and services to organizations of all sizes. We provide services, resources, and expertise in support of your company's unique human resource needs. With over 20 years of experience in the field, WMK Consulting can act on your behalf as your human resources representative or provide support and expertise to complement your existing HR staff.

We take the time to develop a strong working relationship with your company by understanding your needs, your business, and your corporate culture. With that understanding, we recommend solutions in line with your business needs and then work with you to implement them. Our research effectiveness, innovation, flexibility, and professionalism make us a powerful and effective resource for your organization.

A Global Network

WMK Consulting aims to help corporations in both national and international by bringing global level of excellence partnership on HR matters. We work with experts and institutions from different countries. Our CEO, Natalia Damayanti, is being recognized and featured in the CEO Insight Asia Magazine, while Ari Yuda Laksmana, WMK Business Director, is credentialed by International Coaching Federation as its Professional Certified Coach. Expanding our reach to provide expertise in global HR practices, cross-cultural management, and international workforce strategies is our goal. Navigating diverse cultural contexts, ensuring global compliance, and enabling talent mobility are crucial aspects that we aim to assist organizations with in the future.

Strategic Solution

In the fast pace of competition and technology advancement, we believe there is no “one solution fits for all”. We strive to help organizations stay updated with industry trends and align with the rapidly changing HR landscape, therefore, we keep updating our expertise aligning to the current trend and needs. We provide solutions that are relevant and adaptable to the existing dynamics. Our distinct is its tailor-made services that deliver both practical and strategical objectives of our clients. Empowering the clients to pursue innovation that fits rather than fix as the strategy to grow the business in the evolving landscape.

Trusted Partnership

With a deep understanding of the evolving landscape of HR practices and a strong commitment to client success, we have established ourselves as a trusted partner for organizations seeking to optimize their human capital and drive sustainable growth. We position ourselves as business partners, assisting CEOs and HR leaders in overcoming people-related challenges within their organizations and transforming them into valuable human capital. We aimed to make an impact in the global market and become a trusted business partner for our clients.

Professional Team

Team Behind Our Success

Our goal is to help clients maintain or achieve best- in-class positions in their
respective industries.


CEO WMK Consulting

• +25 years experience in HR
• Ex-Chief HR Officer
• Multi industry working background
• Human Resources Management Master from Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)
• Public Relations Bachelor from UNPAD
• Erickson Professional Coach Certified


Director WMK Consulting

• +12 years experience in HR
• Ex-Head of L&D
• Multi industry working background
• Global Business Management Master from Universitas Prasetiya Mulya (UPM)
• English Literature Bachelor from UPI
• Psychology Bachelor from UNISBA
• ICF Professional Certified Coach
• Habit & Digital Coaching Certified
• ICF Jakarta Chapter Leadership Team

WMK works with 30+ Practitioners from different field of expertise covering HR, Business, Financial, Environment, Services, Hospitality, Sales & Marketing, CRM, Aviation & Logistics and more. Contact us to get in touch with our team.
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